
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Black Magic and Red Stem Elephant Ears

You know, sometimes plants can surprise you! I have had nothing but bad luck with Black Magic and Red Stem. From my personal experience, they absolutely hate any sign of the cold. I've had to replace Black Magic several times and almost lost Red Stem except for one tiny bulb that fought back.

This January, we had three days of below freezing temperatures and the snow stuck around that long as well. I was stunned that the regular green didn't return (but they did eventually! :D ) but I wrote off the Black Magic and Red Stem. No way would they ever return. They were long gone.

I was wrong.

This amazes me to no end. Wow! I didn't do anything to protect them. The jade plant is over them right now but I guess I'll wait to see how big they'll get. hehe.

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