
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Vegetables, Amaryllis

This is what an Amaryllis seed pod looks like when successfully pollinated. It swells up and will eventually open when its ready.

Added the lattice board to keep the vines on top and make the mowing/weedwacking easier.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Schlumbergera seedlings

I wasn't going to post this because they never seem to live. The seed pod/plant that came off, I planted theseeds and every once in a little while, one or two would germinate then die off. So far, this one has hung on and even formed a "V" shape!

I would love for at least one to grow even if the other seeds are dying off.


The latest update on the vegetables. Every single vegetable plant experienced rust after a rainstorm. Even the grape tomato sprouts in the flower boxes had rust. It was peculiar. Most of the rusted leaves were removed as soon as possible.

Below is a picture of the Tiny Tim Tomatoes that are growing. Pretty soon I may pinch out the extras so that each one will just have one plant instead of three crowding each other.

Below is the Better Boy Tomato Plant. The extra tomatoes are growing in so the plant is now tugged down to the ground. All the better to get the water to go down and swell them tomatoes!

Picture below of the two tomato plants on the porch steps.

Close-up below of the tomatoes.

Picture below is of an unidentified plant. At least I know it's not a yearly return of the birdhouse gourd. It's made yellow flowers so no idea what it could be. I put up a brick circle to prevent them from being mowed down or weedwhacked.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Black Magic and Red Stem Elephant Ears

You know, sometimes plants can surprise you! I have had nothing but bad luck with Black Magic and Red Stem. From my personal experience, they absolutely hate any sign of the cold. I've had to replace Black Magic several times and almost lost Red Stem except for one tiny bulb that fought back.

This January, we had three days of below freezing temperatures and the snow stuck around that long as well. I was stunned that the regular green didn't return (but they did eventually! :D ) but I wrote off the Black Magic and Red Stem. No way would they ever return. They were long gone.

I was wrong.

This amazes me to no end. Wow! I didn't do anything to protect them. The jade plant is over them right now but I guess I'll wait to see how big they'll get. hehe.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Vegetable Garden

It's getting there! Slowly. Pretty soon there'll be a lattice board that'll be propped up over it so that the vines can be trained to stay on top and allow easy grass-cutting on the ground below. This is pretty much the same spot where I grew vegetables back in 2005. Except this time!, I'll be using a soaker hose to try to water them. I'm just concerned on how to get the soaker hose all up on that mess! Hmm... Easier said than done.
From left to right: Yellow Squash, Cucumber, Zucchini, and Spaghetti Squash.
I expect the Yellow Squash and Cucumber to grow like nuts and give me many vegetables. I've tried Zucchini before. It'll be a healthy plant but every attempt to grow a vegetable seems to get eaten by bugs. Spaghetti Squash - I fear will be too similar like trying to grow Pumpkins. I expect both the vegetables and the plant to be destroyed.
Right now it is very very muggy and thunderstorms are in the area. The bugs are at their worst so I think I'll tinker with the soaker hose stuff later.