
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Opuntia Pusilla - Dune Prickly Pear

Dune Prickly Pear - I have had this cactus for longer than I've had Ms. Jade. I got it in the summer of 1995 and I happen to recall that because that was the summer my nephews and niece came down and we did a lot of traveling.

Opuntia Pusilla - Prickly Pear

I know, I know. They're in terrible condition. They're a very ugly plant to have. The only reason I have kept them all this time is because I always find it terribly neat to see them blooming in spring with yellow flowers.

Unfortunately, I missed it this spring. I honestly think they bloomed in January during that long warmspell in order to have fruit that already dropped at this time.

Opuntia Prusilla fruit

Here's a picture of the two fruits I gathered. The fruits are also protected by some spines/burrs.

Opuntia Prusilla fruit

I cut open the fruit to try to reveal the seeds inside. You can kinda see them.

I'm personally thinking of ditching the plant I have now and restarting with a fresh pad so that I can deal with a smaller plant instead of a large pot that makes it hard to clean leaves and pine needles.


  1. Oh come on... Let it live! I just want to know why you sent me some if it was a terribly ugly plant? hehee... Anyway, mine is growing very well and I actually think it's really perdy... I love the blooms and the fruit is very nice this time of year... Did you taste it by any chance? I was wondering if it was edible like the other type of Prickly Pear... Anyway, thanks!

  2. I still have it around. For now. hehe.

    Nah, I didn't eat it. I wasn't sure if it was edible and I didn't want my mouth full of spikes so I ditched it.
