
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Amaryllis, Lilies, Rose, and Cactus

An update on some going-ons in my little area.

Amaryllis Seed Pods
Amaryllis Seed Pods

From the two flower stalks from the red Amaryllis, only these three took. I can't wait to collect the seeds.

Orange Lilies
Orange Lilies

From the entire bed of lilies, the orange ones are the first to emerge.


One of the roses that bloomed in the rose bed. This is an unusual color pattern.

Opuntia Pusilla
Opuntia Pusilla

Opuntia Pusilla
Opuntia Pusilla

Opuntia Pusilla
Opuntia Pusilla

I'm pretty surprised that there's tons of buds on the prickly pear! I thought they all bloomed in January and that I had completely missed it. I don't think I've ever seen this many buds on them before.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tomato Kit continued...

According to the instructions, When the plants are approximately 5", you split them up. I could've tossed out the smaller ones but I decided to give every plant a chance.

Sorry for the badly "bleached" picture below. I split them up, then ran out of pots and stuffed four of them together in the last pot.

So who knows if they'll survive or not. I didn't think moving small plants was a good idea but I'm just following instructions! I do still have the packet in case I decide to try again if these meet a bad end.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A couple updates...

Close-up 1
Close-up 2

In the first picture, you can see that the biggest Amaryllis bulb is starting to send out a bud. This bloomed last year and it was a beautiful flower. Oh, also an update on the Amaryllis that bloomed a few weeks back, It appears that only one seed pod was successful out of four.

Lily Lilies
Lily Bed
Close-up 1

I'm surprised that many of them are starting to bud. I hope many of them open at the same time so that I can cross-pollinate.

Rose Roses
Roses Bed
Close-up 1

What blows me away is that three rose bushes are budding. It's only a matter of time before I finally know the colors of some of them.

Yarrow Bed
Close-up 1

People keep asking me what I do for the yarrow and the answer is... nothing! I don't know why they're so tall. It's pretty neat that there's so many buds ready to open. It'll be a blanket of white pretty soon.